Julian Heppekausen, our Commander-In-Chief here at the Emporium Of Postmodern Activities and an up-and-comer in the Southern California vintage racing community (in fact he already has a fan-base of six who know him as "JH517") has just returned from completing a fairly significant endeavor on "Terry Triumph" a 1966 Triumph T120 by successfully finishing
The Happiest Race On Earth, the Norra Mexican 1000!
Here's what he had to say...
"I did this in honor of Terry Pratt and in his spirit of going for a ride and having a fun time. This Triumph was the most recent bike which Pratt built into a desert sled and rode before a bout with pancreatic and liver cancer took his life in 2012. He managed to complete a small section of the LA Barstow to Las Vegas ride on the bike in 2011.
I purchased the motorcycle in 2012 from the Pratt family with the promise of keeping the bike on the road but mainly on the trails. Pratt, the legendary motorcycle industry icon, worked at as a European MX correspondent covering the World Championship Motocross Grand Prix series for a number of publications, including Cycle News. In the late 70s, he worked for Hester Communications on their Bicycle Dealer Showcase trade magazine. Terry returned to Cycle News as an advertising manager starting in 1979, providing a vital role generating revenue and developing relationships for America’s Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper for over 32 years."
Terry the T120 has had some of the motorcycle industries most skilled and talented tuners and mechanics work on him.
The original build, as purchased in 2012:
Terry Pratt
Eddie Crowell
Mike Haney
Bill Getty
The entire BSA Owners Club of Southern California
(many more)
After learning that Terry Pratt would have encouraged the bike be made as good as possible, Julian continued what Terry had started and the following people have worked on the bike to make it the Mexican-1000-Winning bike it is today:
John Hateley - (race prep and tuner)
John French (engine builder)
Mike Libby (machine work - head, cams, go fast stuff)
James Baneke - (fabricaor ex and super nice guy)
Pierre Vaillancourt - (Suspension tuner)
Richard Adams - (Fork Supplier)
Frank Chatokhine - (The Number 1 in Europe)