Look what the tide dragged in, one Mr. Jeff McCallum. After getting his fair share of waves during the first major swell of the season, Jeff went on the hunt. He was looking for Deus, curious to emerge himself in this Narnia type spot settled amongst the paddy fields in Canggu. And,we’re lucky he did. Jeff hails from the San Diego area where he shapes surfboards under his own label “McCallum”, hence one of his interests in finding “The Temple”. It just so happened that we had two blanks laying around with his name on them, well… now they do. When new shapers come to Deus there is always a bit of a buzz rolling around “The Temple”, a) because we sit out back and have a few beers with them and b) We always enjoy seeing the different styles and techniques other shapers are getting down on. Although Jeff was only with us for a short stint, he did find time to scratch out two sleds. Salsa claimed one for his ever-growing quiver and one is on the rack in the Deus show room for sale. But, don’t fret my little chickadees; Jeff McCallum will be doing a shapers residency program with Deus Ex Machina in August. So, get your orders in now because not only is Jeff a legend, his shapes are sick…