In this day and age of digital media the oft forgotten, and much maligned, print media, especially off island, just seems to miss our radar. It's not intentional, just the way it is here in Bali. If you can't read it online, we don't get to read it.Then it should come as no surprise to you to learn we only just heard that Treadlie magazine published this print perfect little tale of spokes in their third issue, their fourth issue has just hit the newsstands so snaffle one up. We tracked the article down through digital means and thought it only fitting that we should present it to you, denizens of the digital domain, in a similar electronic fashion.Join a couple of Deus family members out of Sydney when they came to visit us for the Paths of Pain Jewels of Glory Fixed Gear event we ran in February this year. After the event Monty, resident tour guide and thrill seeker extraordinaire, took them up into the hills to test the metal of both bike and rider. In Stephan's own words, he succeeded.
But I am getting ahead, to read the rest, click on the image to see it in full size so you can read it without ever having to cut down a tree. No printing please, that would go against the grain.